The Leprechaun Foundation

“Making special dreams come true”


See the latest Leprechaun Foundation newsletter as a PDFNewsletter

Download the latest edition of our Leprechaun Newsletter to stay informed on what The Leprechaun Foundation is doing, future projects it’s planning and give you a chance to volunteer if you’d like.


Making it Matter in May

Making it Matter in May - click for detailsThroughout the year, 7th and 8th grade students at Solon Middle School participate in a variety philanthropic and community service projects. But for one day in May each year, the entire school takes time out of its regular schedule to focus on giving back and making a difference. More

Fun Run pep rally welcomes Slider - click for detailsFun Run pep rally welcomes Slider

Slider joined the Assumption Academy with cookies this year to celebrate their annual fundraiser. This year's event was a Pep Rally kicking off a Fun Run. More

Herberich Fund Raiser

Herberich Fund Raiser = click for full letterThis December, the students and staff of Herberich Primary School donated generously to The Leprechaun Foundation in the amount of $1438.

The funds were raised from a week of fun and learning activities celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday, The week concluded with a wonderful family carnival.

We would like to thank principal William Kerrigan and everyone who made this donation possible. It is greatly appreciated.

Happy 12th Birthday Annabella

Happy 12th Birthday AnnabellaAnnabella celebrated her 12th birthday by continuing to help others. This year again, she invited her friends and family to celebrate by donating gift cards to be used by those who are helped through the Leprechauns. She received various gift cards for stores that will be of great help to families who are experiencing hardship. More